Sunday, December 7, 2014


Quanta Physics Elliptical orbits vs Relativity Elliptical Paths  
by: Rod Kawecki 2014.12.06
Proof of the Study


     Planets may be tied by rods of different length to make them revolve around the sun in a circular path of motion. Its the gravitational pull of the sun that makes them revolve around it.. When the planets comes closer to the sun the gravitational pull is greater but once they cross the sun, the planet's inertia keeps them going in their path but after a certain distance the sun's gravitational pull is greater than that of the planet's inertia and hence it started falling back towards the sun. After it crosses the sun it goes the extreme on the other side and then starts falling back to the sun. This causes them to revolve in a elliptical path rather than a circular one. The mathematical rendition was given by Kepler and hence the Kepler's laws. 

One important thing to note is that, as the planets fall back towards the sun, the gravitational pull of the sun increases as the distance between the sun and the planet reduces but they don't hit the sun because they miss its surface. As the distance between the sun and planet is small, the pull from the sun is greater and hence makes the planet to sweep through fast (this point is called the perigee) and once it reaches a distance where the inertia due to the fast sweep (near the sun) is greater than the pull, it continues in its path and falls back after the inertia has become less than the gravitational pull of the sun (this point is called apogee or apsis). 

The Sun and the planets move around each other with their center of mass lying at the focus of the elliptical orbits. However, since the Sun contains 99.9% of the mass of the solar system, the center of mass is located almost at the Sun and so it looks like the planets are going around the Sun.

There is no real significance to the foci of the elliptical orbits. The same laws that govern the orbits of planets around the Sun also govern the motion of binary stars and in that case since the masses of the two stars may be roughly equal, the foci of the elliptical orbits may not correspond physically to any object. As I explained earlier, the Sun appears at one focus ony because it is so much more massive than any of the planets and so its center lies close to the focus (which is the actual location of the center of mass).

Einstein had been puzzled by the fact that Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, which had stood undisputed since 1687, appeared to be fundamentally incompatible with his own Special Theory. Newton’s theory (permanently linked, at least in the popular mind, with his observation of an apple falling from a tree) stated that every massive body exerts an attractive force on every other massive body, a force which is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the bodies.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation 

According to this theory, gravity is relatively strong when objects are near each other, but weakens with distance, and the bigger the bodies, the more their force of mutual attraction. This “inverse-square law” is quite sophisticated enough to explain why a cannonball fired horizontally travels further before hitting the ground the faster it is launched, why a certain minimum speed (about 11.2 kilometres per second) would be required to allow objects to break out of Earth’s gravity and into orbit and why the planets travel in an elliptical orbit around the Sun (although not quite sophisticated enough to predict the slight anomaly in Mercury’s orbit).

Gravity is the organizing force for the cosmos, crucial in allowing structure to unfold from an almost featureless Big Bang origin. Although it is a very weak force (feebler than the other fundamental forces which govern the sub-atomic world by a factor of 1036 or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000), it is a cumulative and consistent force which acts on everything and can act over large distances. So, even though gravity can be effectively ignored by chemists studying how groups of atoms bond together, for bodies more massive than the planet Jupiter the effects of gravity overwhelm the other forces, and it is largely responsible for building the large-scale structures in the universe. Thus, gravity squeezes together massive bodies like our own Sun, and it is only the explosive outward energy in the Sun’s ultra-hot core that holds it in hydrostatic equilibrium and stops it from collapsing into a super-dense white dwarf star.

Even before Newton, the great 17th Century Italian physicist Galileo Galilei had shown that all bodies fall at the same rate, any perceived differences in practice being caused by differences in air resistance and drag. Galileo’s famous (and probably apocryphal) experiment involving the dropping of two balls of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa was repeated with even more dramatic results in 1972 when a hammer and a feather were dropped together on the airless Moon and, just as Galileo had predicted, both hit the ground together.

Newton, however, had assumed that the force of gravity acts instantaneously, and Einstein had already shown that nothing can travel at infinite speed, not even gravity, being limited by the de facto universal speed limit of the speed of light. Furthermore, Newton had assumed that the force of gravity was purely generated by mass, whereas Einstein had shown that all forms of energy had effective mass and must therefore also be sources of gravity.

Mercury Mystery

Mercury spends a tiny bit more time near the Sun (gravitational time dilation), and the Sun drags Mercury around a tiny bit (frame dragging). It's orbit, instead of being a normal ellipse pattern, moves slightly over time, forming a flower like pattern. And it was Einstein who figured out why that is, it was due to his theory of general relativity. Can somebody explain why general relativity changes the orbit of Mercury slightly?" According to relativity frame=dragging also means with time.

General Relativity describes gravity as a warping of space itself, not as a force. Einstein pictured space as a three-dimensional version of a thin rubber sheet. If you put a heavy object on the sheet, it makes a dent, and therefore an object's path would be affected by that dent. So, planets orbit the sun because the space around the sun is curved in the 2-D equivalent of a funnel or basin. Newton's Law had worked very well, but there were slight discrepancies between what was observed and what was mathematically predicted was it because Mercury being much closer to the sun at that time energy pushed harder from the sun's massive attraction that up-set the distance already laid out between them? The example is that Newton's theory cannot explain Mercury's peculiar rosette-shaped elliptical orbit and Einstein's General Relativity can.

In 1907, Einstein said that when he "was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me: 'If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight.' I was startled. This simple thought ... impelled me toward a theory of gravitation. ..."

An inverse law of free fall motion occurs when the body reaches terminal velocity meaning that he or she will not feel their own weight of their body, what has happen is the restraints the planets repulsive force has on a free falling body becomes equal with the falling body. Newton measured this occurrence measuring 9.8 meters per second. As the falling reaches 9.8 meters a second it will no longer feel its its weight.  His theory explains gravitation as distortion of the structure of spacetime by matter, affecting the inertial motion of other matter but again do not explain the free fall distortion structure only that it occurs. 

Having a heavier ship during the elliptical travel stage will decrease the impulse velocity (F=v²/m°) a ship with a greater mass generally means more power will be needed for the ship to increase its speed between departing constant speed interval's during the journey but in space the increased weight of the ship is geared at its front bottom end as it pushes against a weightless bottom for-inertia. (a ship will never gain inertia-mass traveling at any velocity in (for-inertia) a mass less weight vacuum or energy space environment)

 When we review Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity we discover that time seems to slow down as velocity increases especially at the velocity close to the speed of light when it stops what I don't understand is why a man made mechanic clock could make any difference with the motion of a massive planet>. This he called “Time Dilation”. When we review the facts around this theory we discover time dilation measured by the fact that at a distance star astronomically light years away takes light the same amount of time traveling at 186,000 miles a second for it to reach earth that it stands to reason the same wouldn't happen to time if it were stopped. Since light takes 186,000 miles a second times the distance to reach earth a ship traveling to the distant star traveling at the speed of light would encounter the distance short cut by its clock-time traveling at light velocity where on earth in the return trip the residences there would have aged the length of the distance it normally calculated for the trip to transcend by their clock on earth.  What this means is that the crew on the ship traveling at light speed would age based normally of the ship’s clock traveling at 186,000 miles a second where earth residence would age the distance it took in light years to make the journey. A trip in light years that takes 60 minutes traveling from point A to point B traveling in the spacecraft compared to the people on earth to mathematically decipher the light years would be deciphered to have aged 80 years this explains the theory of special relativity. 
     Quanta Physics theory on the other hand having take emphasis in this claim in the special theory of relativity and these arguments mathematically measured in today’s physics has discovered that there is a common comparison clause that relativity may have over looked when he designed his equations and that is that a clock measures the same in both instances. (also read: Albert Einstein’s Universe by this author) The length and distance of the journey for the people in the ship traveling at light speed is the same as the residence of the people waiting on earth for the trip return And that they time indifference are both the same. Even though the ship crew was traveling at the speed of light and measure their time coordinates in seconds per 186,000 miles a second on earth they’re clock measures the same way they would observe that for each second that passed on earth that same one second would also pass on the ship no matter what velocity they were traveling at in space.  The idea here is that time dilation does not occur as relativity claims – that even if there exist inertia it would only slow down the speed the ship travels and put more weight on the ship’s engines and nothing else on either clock would change. Relativity puts weight on clocks that measure distance a ships velocity does not change the way clocks work. This is a proof study made by The Quanta Physics Experts. 
    We also review the facts laid out in the above paragraphs that say that in a vacuum inertia cannot exist without a positive force of gravity. A bird uses its wings to accelerate after it free falls.